Please use the secure form below if you have questions, need assistance or technical support.

We value your trust and privacy. Your secure submission is kept strictly confidential.

All participation details, including your Assessment responses and answers to research questions, are confidential and never shared, sold, or distributed. Your personal information, including name and email, is used for communication purposes only. Your personal information is also never shared, sold or distributed.

Your personal information, including name and email, is only used to communicate and send your results. We never share, sell or distribute your personal information.

The demographic information collected is not tied to your personal information and is only used in aggregate privately for research purposes to help refine this assessment and understand how to best serve our goal of matching health span to lifespan.

Absolutely. You are the owner of your personal information and participation results. To have your participation removed permanently from our records, submit the secure form above. Our support team will contact you within 3 business days, with confirmation of removal.

Please use the secure form above to request a copy of your Assessment results. We do our best to respond to requests within 3 business days.

Please use the secure form below if you have questions, need assistance or technical support.

We value your trust and privacy. Your secure submission is kept strictly confidential.